Important Note    

The health-related information and resources on this website are provided for general information purposes only. They are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and may not be applicable to any particular situation. Always consult a qualified medical professional for the diagnosis or treatment of any health concern or condition.  

Some of the content and health resources found on this site are provided and maintained by other parties. Whilst efforts and due diligence have been made to obtain materials from reliable sources, these may contain inaccuracies or outdated information. We do not endorse or guarantee any of these materials. Please use these materials as reference only and seek the advice of a qualified medical professional.

Neither the hospital nor any of its affiliated entities, agents or suppliers will be responsible or liable for any claim of loss or damage resulting from the use of this site or the information and resources contained in or accessible through this site.

本網站所提供的健康資訊及資源乃供參考之用, 並不能取代醫生的專業意見, 診斷, 或治理, 以及未必適用於任何情況。如對身體狀況有任何疑問, 謹記向合資格的醫生求助。

另外, 部份的健康資訊源自其他第三者營運之機構或網站。本院會盡力審核所提供資訊的準確性, 惟仍會存在資訊失誤或過時的可能性。本院並不對上述資訊作出任何承擔或認可。重申資訊乃供參考之用, 及謹記向合資格的醫生求助。

本醫院及其所有附屬部門, 代理, 或供應商將不會就本網站提供的任何資訊的任何後果或索償負上任何責任。
Copyright@Matilda International Hospital